A new academic is here and so are new ideas, thoughts and conceptions. With the zeal and ardour to give life to various innovations, that are the first of their kind, the students of SRM University are organizing the country's first ever Power and Energy fest, Epiphany. The story goes on like this, a few students pursuing their nuclear engineering, intrigued by the amount of carbon footprint that the present forms of energy are leaving behind and the fact that these fossil fuels apart from being the highest form of pollutants, are fast depleting, felt a dire need to look for other cleaner forms of energy. Necessity is the mother of invention, they say, and rightly going by the saying, the students organizing the fest say that the need to find a clean, carbon-free and cost effective form of energy has led one to exploring the possibilities of geo-thermal and nuclear energy. Epiphany was created with a view of instigating in the minds of the young, the ideas of innovation and sustainability. A two-day fest, Epiphany'13 aims at educating the young minds on these issues and spreading awareness on the same. The fest has a variety of events and workshops to cater to the interests of the students. The main attraction being the exhibition by IGCAR (Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research) that aims at conducting broad based multidisciplinary programme of scientific research and advanced engineering by showcasing various radiation detection meters and environment survey monitors. Among other events are events like iEXPO which invites students to submit abstracts on related subjects, and a Youth Nuclear Summit, a diplomatic event that focuses on International nuclear related issues such as nuclear proliferation and possible threat of nuclear terrorism. And to keep the fest from turning monotonous, there are other events that make sure the fun part doesn't go out of the equation. To test your mental agility and oratory skills, there are events like 'Verbal Brawl' and 'Quiriosty,' a quizzing event. And to all those gaming fanatics out there, events based on gaming and treasure hunt, like 'Gladiator's Arena' and 'Trezoro Casi' are something to look forward to. With high hopes pinned on this fest, the secretary, a 4th year Nuclear Engineering student, Tanushree Sharma, says that, this is first of the many steps that we intend to take in understanding and spreading the word on nuclear power, which is the most misunderstood source of energy. The fest with the main motto of promoting nuclear power and energy with deviating from its use a potential nuclear power is to be scheduled on the 13th and 14th o f August, 2013.


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