SRM Centre for Entrepreneurship and Skill Development (SRM-CESD) is Service Centre of SRM University to promote youth by providing them opportunity to acquire new skills through vocational programmes. Certificate programs of this centre concentrate on both technical skills and on some exposure to the concepts and theories. The aim of these programmes, is to empower the school children, school drop-outs and disadvantaged persons through appropriate skill development, leading to gainful employment, or to become an entrepreneur.
SRM-CESD is a Centre for Entrepreneurship and Skill Development set up by SRM University, to conceive, design and operate various Job and Entrepreneurship oriented certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and PG diploma courses in different skill sets, in collaboration with Industrial partners, for empowering the School students, School drop-outs and aspiring youth for gainful employment and/or for developing oneself as a productive Entrepreneur. Thus, SRM-CESD is serving both as an entrepreneurial training and consultancy institute. As per the present statistics only 12% of the +2 pass outs go for Higher Education. By 2030 with the development schemes of the Government of India, this percentage of GER is expected to go up to 30%. The balance +2 pass-out population who are not in a position to go for Higher Education can look for career opportunities. Further, many students get dropped out even from the school education at different stages from 5th to 12th standards of study can look for the career opportunities . It is with this in view, SRM University, concerned about the poor economical status of the Indian population, has ventured to offer IT and other skill based programs with the University certification for the school drop outs and unemployed persons in different age groups, aspiring to earn a career through empowerment programs. This certification will ensure for employment or for Entrepreneurship development.
SRM-Centre for Entrepreneurship and Skill Development shall offer innovative, socially relevant educational programmes that are learner centric, enabling skill enhancement empowering underprivileged youth to make a sustainable living.
Towards becoming a Centre of Excellence to offer quality programmes for meeting the current and emerging needs of the society and industry. To widen the access to higher education, by functioning as a catalyst, to bridge the gap between haves and have nots, to build a developed India.


  1. Hey!

    Who is the head of Entrepreneurship Cell?

